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Traveller's Ways

Jasper Somsen | Enrico Pieranunzi | Gabriele Mirabassi

Traveller's Ways

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Records
UPC: 0608917356922
Catnr: CR 73569
Release date: 02 February 2024
1 CD
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€ 19.95
Challenge Records
Catalogue number
CR 73569
Release date
02 February 2024

"... On a journey between styles, three seasoned “travelers” follow fascinating chamber music paths.    "

Fono Forum, 01-6-2024

About the album

A melody you never heard before takes you back to a place where you have never been. Immediately, from the first notes of Traveller’s Ways, you as the listener feel that wondrous combination of familiarity and astonishment. On this magnificent album, Somsen, Pieranunzi and Mirabassi create music that feels like coming home and at the same time leads to numerous unknown destinations you have never visited before.

All the eleven works deal with travel, but often with the mental side of it, the mindset. This is exemplified by one of the compositions being called ‘Free Spirit’. The analogy between travel and playing music cannot be missed. Every track is a journey as such. Somsen, Pieranunzi and Mirabassi travel light, with their technique and each other as their only luggage. They travel without a map, finding their way by listening rather than by thinking about a possible end goal. They just want to be on the road and once their travel has started they are paying attention as closely as they can, happy to look at the beautiful objects that can be found at the roadside, and now and then standing still to enjoy the view.

I often dream of a large, white house in a faraway, unknown land. It stands at a crossroads and the house is brightly lit. For sure I know I have never been there before and yet this dream in some way brings me home. I have the same experience while listening to Traveller’s Ways a wonderful album on which three men wander peacefully and on which every note is a precious gem, a beautiful stone that is picked up for just a moment and examined carefully. Meanwhile a lot of ground is being covered, and you, the listener, arrive at unknown places along with the musicians. Places they did not know either, but where they arrive because of their mutual trust. Every work is like a dream, and in dreams you cannot get lost. You arrive somewhere every time.
Eine Melodie, die Sie noch nie gehört haben, bringt Sie an einen Ort, an dem Sie noch nie waren. Schon bei den ersten Tönen von Traveller's Ways spürt man als Hörer diese wundersame Kombination aus Vertrautheit und Erstaunen. Auf diesem großartigen Album schaffen Somsen, Pieranunzi und Mirabassi Musik, die sich anfühlt, als käme man nach Hause und die gleichzeitig zu zahlreichen unbekannten Zielen führt, die man noch nie besucht hat.

Alle elf Stücke beschäftigen sich mit dem Reisen, aber oft auch mit der mentalen Seite davon, der Denkweise. Dies wird durch eine der Kompositionen mit dem Titel 'Free Spirit' verdeutlicht. Die Analogie zwischen Reisen und Musizieren ist nicht zu übersehen. Jedes Stück ist eine Reise an sich. Somsen, Pieranunzi und Mirabassi reisen mit leichtem Gepäck, nur mit ihrer Technik und sich selbst im Gepäck. Sie reisen ohne Landkarte und finden ihren Weg eher durch Zuhören als durch das Nachdenken über ein mögliches Endziel. Sie wollen einfach nur unterwegs sein, und wenn ihre Reise einmal begonnen hat, achten sie so genau wie möglich darauf, freuen sich über die schönen Dinge, die sie am Straßenrand finden, und bleiben ab und zu stehen, um die Aussicht zu genießen.

Ich träume oft von einem großen, weißen Haus in einem fernen, unbekannten Land. Es steht an einer Kreuzung und das Haus ist hell erleuchtet. Ich weiß genau, dass ich noch nie dort gewesen bin, und doch bringt mich dieser Traum auf gewisse Weise nach Hause. Die gleiche Erfahrung mache ich, wenn ich Traveller's Ways höre, ein wunderbares Album, auf dem drei Männer friedlich umherwandern und auf dem jede Note ein kostbares Juwel ist, ein schöner Stein, den man nur für einen Moment aufhebt und sorgfältig untersucht. In der Zwischenzeit wird viel Terrain zurückgelegt, und Sie, der Hörer, kommen zusammen mit den Musikern an unbekannte Orte. Orte, die auch sie nicht kannten, an denen sie aber aufgrund ihres gegenseitigen Vertrauens ankommen. Jedes Werk ist wie ein Traum, und in Träumen kann man sich nicht verirren. Man kommt jedes Mal irgendwo an.


Enrico Pieranunzi (piano)

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014...

Enrico Pieranunzi was born in Rome in 1949 and has for many years been among the most significant and well-known protagonists of the international jazz scene. A pianist, composer, and arranger, he has recorded more than 70 albums under his own name, ranging from piano solo to trio, from duo to quintet. He has collaborated, either live or in the studio, with Chet Baker, Lee Konitz, Paul Motian, Charlie Haden, Chris Potter, Marc Johnson, and Joey Baron. Pieranunzi has been named Artist of the Year three times by the Musica Jazz magazine critics’ poll (in 1989, 2003, 2008). He also won the French Django d’Or prize as “Best European Musician” in 1997 and the German Echo Jazz Award in 2014 as “Best International Keyboard Artist”. Pieranunzi has performed his music all over the world in the most prestigious international festivals, from Montréal to Copenhagen and Buenos Aires, from Berlin and Madrid to Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro and Beijing. For the past ten years, he has been playing more and more in the USA, and has taken part in the San Francisco and Spoleto (Charleston, South Carolina) festivals. He has also been regularly featured in the most important New York clubs, especially the Village Vanguard, where in July 2010 he recorded the album Live at the Village Vanguard with Marc Johnson and Paul Motian. This is the first album ever recorded by an Italian musician (and one of the very few by European musicians) in the legendary diamond shaped 7th Avenue venue. A second Live at the Village Vanguard, recorded in 2015 with Donny McCaslin, Scott Colley and Clarence Penn, will be released at the end of 2016. Enrico Pieranunzi has composed over 300 pieces, many of which have become standards performed and recorded by musicians all over the world (Night Bird, Don’t Forget the Poet, Fellini’s Waltz).

Pieranunzi can swing – crisply and surely. But in those tempos, he remains his lyrical self. His music sings” (Nat Hentoff, 1990)

Enrico Pieranunzi breathes new life into contemporary jazz” (Ray Spencer, Jazz Journal International, 1992)

Remember the name, me, get lost in the music” (Josef Woodard, Jazz Times, 2000)


Jasper Somsen (double bass)

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions. Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu. Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be...

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions.

Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu.

Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be heard on more than 45 albums, video and film music scores. Outside a busy playing and studio producing schedule he is an educator at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (NL) and the general director of the foundation Cultural City of Wageningen, in his hometown.



Jasper Somsen (double bass)

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions. Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu. Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be...

Dutch double bassist, composer and producer Jasper Somsen (1973) graduated in both Jazz and Classical double bass. He is an open minded versatile musician. Best known as a Jazz musician his field of interest and expertise also includes cross overs to classical, pop, world and film music and theater productions.

Jasper has collaborated with some of the very best musicians on the international jazz scene including Peter Erskine, Enrico Pieranunzi, Joey Calderazzo, Jeff Ballard, John Beasley, Jean-Michel Pilc, Eric Marienthal, Bob Sheppard, Seamus Blake, Jorge Rossy, Kendrick Scott, Justin Faulkner, André Ceccarelli, Gary Husband, Gabriele Mirabassi and Paolo Fresu.

Besides a performer and composer, Jasper Somsen is a Challenge Records artist and a renowned studio producer. Jasper performs world wide and can be heard on more than 45 albums, video and film music scores. Outside a busy playing and studio producing schedule he is an educator at the ArtEZ University of the Arts, Arnhem (NL) and the general director of the foundation Cultural City of Wageningen, in his hometown.



... On a journey between styles, three seasoned “travelers” follow fascinating chamber music paths.    
Fono Forum, 01-6-2024

 ... With “Traveller's Ways”, the three maestros of their trade have created a fantastic work.
Jazz'n More 05 06 2024, 01-5-2024

... Some of the melodies are wonderfully catchy and vital, fleeting moods, improvisations that illustrate atmospheres...  
kultkomplott, 27-2-2024

... The composer Jasper Somsen has chosen the sounds in such a way that the whole album sounds like a fairytale world.
jazzfun, 19-2-2024

All of the pieces are lyrical, gratifyingly accessible, and beautifully played. Composer/bassist Somsen graciously serves as the foundation for improvisatory flights by Pieranunzi and Mirabassi, both of whom play with the utmost facility and style. Somsen, Pieranunzi, and Mirabassi are a taut and seamless combo, musicians that clearly relish their collaboration. The recorded sound, warm and intimate, is most attractive. This is a lovely disc. 
Fanfare Magazine, 01-11-2024

The music is affable coffeehouse jazz rendered here with clear timbres, dexterous technique, appropriate style, and a conservative range of dynamics. Somsen stays mostly in the background, laying down the beat and the changes, while Mirabassi and Pieranunzi take turns with the melody and improvisation. This is a nice album for a car ride or a quiet evening at home.
American Record Guide, 01-9-2024

Three men wander peacefully through the realm of music, each note is like a pearl, but they leave it to the listeners. And we, the listeners, let ourselves be led to unknown places and dream. We cannot get lost in such dreams. We get somewhere every time!
SKJazz, 31-7-2024

The trio finds their way around this setting brilliantly. Piano, clarinet and bass go hand in hand. The thoughts of the trio members cleverly merge into an overarching whole, with each individual role underlining their own presence and relevance. It is undoubtedly a collaborative work that appears perfectly cohesive and wonderfully harmonious. With 'Traveller's Ways' the three maestros of their field have created a fantastic work.
Jazz 'n More, 17-5-2024

The music is impressionistic, sometimes dreamy, sometimes cerebral – the Italian pianist Pieranunzi weaves delicate lines and his compatriot Mirabassi (clarinet) fits exactly into the delicate soundscape.
Jazzism, 19-4-2024

In this recording, Enrico Pieranunzi (who loves playing in small configurations of 2 or 3 musicians) and the elegance of his touch work wonders. It is clear that this musical genre can seem quite classic, even conservative, and in no way innovative. But that does not prevent this record from having great qualities, especially melodic ones, and these musicians from cultivating the pleasure of playing beautiful, captivating and subtle themes together.
Jazzmania, 05-4-2024

... The interplay between the three musicians creates atmospheric moods that often have their roots in classical or chamber music...
Concerto, 01-4-2024

... celebrate intimate trio music on "Traveller's Way", which is mostly quiet but nevertheless exciting...
Jazzthing, 26-3-2024

... always remain in the service of the melodic flow on short excursions. Very relaxing.
NaDann, 28-2-2024

"Traveller's Ways" is an incredibly beautiful and profound album, performed with sincerity by three of Europe's best jazz musicians. 
Musica Terra, 14-2-2024

The extremely smoothly playing instrumentalists complement each other perfectly. Sometimes moving in unison, often swirling around each other, playing solo in turns, the bass as well. Evidently, Somsen's compositions are influenced by classical, pop, world and film music as well. The tracks on 'Traveller's Way' are not pure jazz and that is what makes this album so attractive.
Jazzflits, 12-2-2024

Jasper Somsen, Double Bassist/ Composer/ Producer knows Italian pianist Enrico Pieranunzi well. They have already recorded a very beautiful album together, Voyage in time, with Catalan drummer Jorge Rossy. [...] Somsen composed everything except two pieces, written by the trio. He is a delicate musician, his pieces are also delicate, and the clarinet also gives them an amusing lightness. As the title says, this is a journey. Towards unknown destinations, no doubt, but the melodies are so relevant that we adopt them immediately. This music is like dreams, but these,we remember them, we don't let them escape.
Le Soir, 07-2-2024

A warm, melodic breeze ... An album full of masterly command and filled with a certain gracefulness.
Marlbank, 03-2-2024

Together the three masters know how to create a great music story that never gets boring after several listens, but always demands attention and guarantees 44 minutes of enjoyment of a music party.
Rootstime, 01-2-2024

The new musical paths to be discovered sound familiar and feel like coming home. In 'Traveller's Ways', Somsen/Pieranunzi/Mirabassi map out a road trip full of subtle personal accents, harmonious interplay and always a soft landing, without a road map or any prepared goal.
Jazzhalo, 01-2-2024

Traveller's Ways invites listeners to unknown places with fresh melodies never heard before. The sound of the shimmering piano and graceful clarinet is a delight to listen to, as is the magnificent sound of the double bass that supports them.
Diskunion, 01-2-2024

With its impeccable musicianship, captivating compositions, and seamless collaboration between Jasper Somsen, Enrico Pieranunzi, and Gabriele Mirabassi, Traveller's Ways is a must-have addition to any jazz collection.
Rough Trade, 01-2-2024

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